News articles written by Christoph Zenner

VAT quarterly advance payments shall be abolished as from 1 April 2017

27 January 2017

In the context of a simplification of the Belgian VAT compliance, the Belgian Finance Minister has announced the abolishment of the mandatory monthly advance payments on VAT for quarterly VAT declarants. The Royal Decree will be published shortly and should take effect as from 1 April 2017. Background Currently, quarterly VAT declarants are subject to

Commission proposes new VAT rules to support e-commerce and online businesses in the EU

2 December 2016

Yesterday, the EU Commission has introduced a series of proposals to simplify the VAT rules for e-commerce and reduce compliance on online sales of goods. The proposals include: Broadening of the One-Stop-Shop system to companies selling goods online (distance sales); Thresholds for cross-border sales of electronic services; Removal of the VAT exemption for small value

VAT on directors fees – new detailed guidelines

6 April 2016

In a previous newsflash, we informed you that a company acting as a director (or a liquidator etc.) will no longer be able to invoice its director fees outside the scope of VAT. The entry into force of this decision has been repeatedly delayed. On 30 March 2016, the Belgian VAT Administration published comprehensive guidelines on

Have you considered the VAT impact when dealing with Transactions?

9 December 2015

In today’s tax world, considering VAT in a timely manner is key to limiting the negative impact it can have on your transaction budget. VAT on transactions can lead to either VAT savings or a VAT burden depending on various factors. Recent developments in EUCJ case law that allows VAT deduction for active management holding

VAT on directors’ fees: application as from 1 April instead of 1 January 2016

20 November 2015

The Belgian VAT authorities have decided to abolish the tolerance for companies acting as directors to carry out their services without charging VAT. In practice this means that a company will not be able to charge directors’ fees without charging VAT. It has now been announced that the tolerance will be abolished as from 1