News articles written by Nancy De Beule

Debt waivers without a tax cash out (?)

5 February 2021

Last week, Belgian Minister of Finance Van Peteghem announced to extend the scope of the existing Belgian tax exemption for debt waivers to non-judicial debt reorganizations. This is very relevant for debt restructurings involving Belgian debtors, especially as the 2018 Belgian tax reform introduced a cap on the amount of certain tax attributes (such as

Brexit does not only impact fishing territories but also M&A transactions

7 January 2021

During the holidays and after lengthy negotiations, the EU and the UK agreed on a Brexit – deal.   As foreseen, on 1 January 2021, the transition period during which the UK was still considered a Member State of the EU and European Economic Area (EEA) has ended. Among a variety of topics, this is

Consolidation of Joint Ventures not always required for the 30% EBITDA rule

18 September 2020

As from assessment year 2020 (FY starting as from 1 January 2019) a 30% EBITDA rule limits the maximum amount of interest relief, whereby ‘exceeding borrowing costs’ are only tax deductible up to the higher of 30% of the tax-adjusted EBITDA or €3m. This de minimis rule should be calculated at Belgian group level. Based

COVID-19 #16 Change of control – impact on tax attributes

20 May 2020

A staggering US$2,500bn. That’s the estimated ‘dry powder’ currently held by private equity firms at a global level. Although a lot of that money is likely to be invested in businesses that are coping (reasonably) well with the ongoing crisis, troubled sectors may nonetheless see a greater deal of activity as they may present opportunities

COVID-19 #15 Management Participation Schemes under water

18 May 2020

The fact that Governments are gradually defining their exit strategy, does unfortunately not imply that managers are already seeing the exit horizon they were hoping for when they invested in the group. As we may have left the path of a buoyant M&A market, a lot of managers may be in dire straits as their

COVID-19 #14 Impact of decreasing EBITDA on interest deductibility

13 May 2020

You don’t need a crystal ball to predict that a lot of companies will be confronted with a lower EBITDA than projected. Especially for highly leveraged businesses, this may bring some additional challenges. Indeed, by transposing the interest limitation rules embedded in the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (‘ATAD I’) in national law, Belgian taxpayers may

COVID-19 #13 Liquidation of negative net equity companies

8 May 2020

In many groups, the current year financial performance will not meet the budget set at the start of the financial year. The current crisis is immeasurably affecting the economic landscape. When companies are no longer capable of funding their own operations, shareholders may be called to provide financial support. In circumstances like these, it is