News articles written by Patrick Boone

Directive proposal for a common EU standard VAT return

23 October 2013

We are pleased to inform you that the European Commission adopted the proposal for a Directive introducing a standard VAT return. The adopted proposal is based on the PwC expert study on the feasibility and impact of a standard VAT return, published on the website of the European Commission and being referred to in the

Recent VAT developments in Italy & Germany

8 October 2013

 Italy: Increase in the standard VAT rate from 21% to 22% As from 1st October 2013, the standard VAT rate in Italy has increased from 21% to 22%. The new VAT rate of 22% is applicable to transactions for which the tax point occurs as of 1st October 2013. Transactions for which the tax point

Belgian VAT changes – Pharma sector

24 July 2013

1. Fees paid to ethical committees: same VAT treatment as clinical trials Research work (including but not limited to clinical trials) performed by Belgian doctors and / or hospitals for consideration for Belgian pharmaceutical companies is, as a general rule, subject to Belgian VAT unless the doctor/hospital can apply the VAT exemption for “small businesses”.

VAT Flash: Political agreement – Ecofin Council – B2C

1 July 2013

We are happy to announce that the Ecofin Council (“ECOFIN”) reached political agreement on the proposal for a VAT Implementing Regulation as regards the place of supply of services (including B2C 2015) in a meeting in Luxembourg last Friday 21 June. Furthermore, a package of two anti-VAT fraud measures was adopted without discussion: a Quick

VAT on Advance Invoices

26 April 2013

Further to a recent answer by the Minister of Finance, Mr. Koen Geens, to a parliamentary question raised by Miss Veerle Wouters, published on 24 of April 2013, the Minister has stated that its administration will soon be publishing the final rules on when Belgian VAT will fall due on, and how companies in Belgium

Invoicing 2013 – Chargeable event: transitional measures for 2013

21 December 2012

We are pleased to inform you that today, the Act implementing the Invoicing Directive 2010/45/EU has been published in the Belgian Official Gazette.  Invoicing Directive 2010/45/EU is based on the study PwC has carried out for the European Commission in 2008, aimed at harmonising and simplifying the Community rules on the electronic sending, receipt and storage of

Directive proposal for a common EU standard VAT return

23 October 2012

We are pleased to inform you that the European Commission adopted the proposal for a Directive introducing a standard VAT return. The adopted proposal is based on the PwC expert study on the feasibility and impact of a standard VAT return, published on the website of the European Commission and being referred to in the proposal