News articles written by Stefaan De Baets

Public Country-by-Country Reporting adopted

16 November 2021

Introduction On 11 November 2021, the European Parliament adopted the Directive on public country-by-country reporting (PCbCR). The adoption of this directive concludes the procedure (see earlier newsflash) on the introduction of specific European transparency rules and requires certain European or non-European multinational groups or standalone undertakings to publicly disclose certain financial data. Content of the

EU cooperative compliance project for transfer pricing announced

14 October 2021

The European Commission (EC) has recently published guidelines on the European Trust and Cooperation Approach (ETACA), a pilot project on cooperative compliance within the EU specifically focusing on transfer pricing risks for large multinationals.  The ETACA pilot was already announced in the Action Plan for fair and simple taxation supporting the recovery strategy (see also

Tax Bites Podcast – EU Business Taxation Roadmap

18 May 2021

EU Roadmap for Business Taxation: EU Dynamite?  On 18 May 2021, an important development in EU Tax policy took place when the European Commission announced their roadmap for Business Taxation for the 21st Century. This roadmap, published today, outlines 5 actions that the European Commission proposes to take in the coming months in Europe (some

Belgian tax administration publishes draft circular letter on transfer pricing

14 November 2018

On 9 November 2018, the Belgian tax administration published a draft circular letter on the 2017 version of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (2017 OECD TPG). Interested parties are invited to send their comments on the draft to by 12 December 2018. Attention needs to be paid that