News articles written by Webmaster Webmaster

One step closer to finalising the CBAM and the EU ETS revision

20 December 2022

Last week, the European Parliament (EP) and the Council reached a provisional agreement on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on 13 December, and later on 17 December on the revision of the EU Emission Trading System (ETS). These agreements represent an important milestone in the extension of the EU carbon market and the implementation

New provisions grant judicial police powers to Belgian tax inspectors to combat fraud

11 April 2022

The law of 17 March 2022 regarding various fiscal provisions to combat fraud has recently been published and adopted. It includes new tax provisions that remove the existing legal obstacles for officials of the Belgian tax administration to participate in judicial investigations. This law provides for a new legal framework that allows designated tax authority officials to

National courts to interpret milestone EU Danish cases on beneficial ownership and abuse

17 November 2020

On 26 February 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued its judgments in the so-called “Danish cases”. The underlying question of these cases was whether dividend and interest payments could be exempt from withholding tax under the EU Parent Subsidiary and Interest & Royalty Directives, when the payments were made from

Belgium implements new EU Tax Dispute Resolution Directive

27 May 2019

On 2 May 2019, Belgium completed the implementation process of the Directive on tax dispute resolution mechanisms in the EU (Council Directive 2017/1852 of 10 October 2017). This enhanced procedure for resolving cross-border direct tax disputes puts taxpayer rights at the forefront, has a broader scope of application as well as an obligation for the

Belgium launches pilot program on cooperative tax compliance

7 October 2018

The Large Enterprises Division of the Belgian tax administration (“LE Division”) announced the launch of a two-year pilot project on cooperative tax compliance (Cooperative Tax Compliance Program – “CTCP”). The program is aimed at transforming the traditional approach of ex-post tax investigations towards a system of proactive, real-time and constructive dialogue on the tax affairs of corporates.

Belgian Tax Authorities announce some of their focus areas for 2018 tax audits

27 April 2018

The Belgian Tax Authorities have recently announced some of their focus areas for 2018 for tax audits. This early warning allows both individual taxpayers and enterprises to ensure compliance with their Belgian tax obligations. Individuals and enterprises that have not filed tax returns will in any event be selected. Enterprises can expect to face more

Belgian transfer pricing audits: increased manpower, new focus areas and enhanced cooperation on the horizon

8 February 2018

Beginning in February of 2018, the Belgian tax authorities will initiate a new wave of transfer pricing (TP) audits. The central transfer pricing investigation team (TP Unit) is investing in additional manpower and changing investigation approaches to increase the effectiveness of audits. Taxpayers should also expect more scrutiny on TP matters from other tax departments,