Belgian transfer pricing audits: new wave initiated – Update


Our newsflash of 25 March 2020 informed you about the upcoming new wave of transfer pricing audits and the requests for information that were sent out.

In the meantime, and in particular in light of the Covid-19 pandemie, we were informed that the BTA  has suspended the sending out of the requests for information. For those requests that have been sent out already, the audit offices invite the respective taxpayers to get in contact and agree on a workable timeline for the audit. The one month period would not be imposed and the tax authorities would not apply  penalties when no timely response to the questionnaire within the initial deadline.

More in general, the audit offices have to treat reasonable requests for extension of the deadlines with lenience.  

In light of this evolution, we recommend contacting the relevant local audit office in order to obtain such extension of the deadline. The local audit office will then discuss a new deadline for responding to the request for information.  

Please feel free contact your regular contact person to discuss the above. He/she will be happy to support you or refer you to one of our specialists if needed.
