Indexation of minimum required salary for work permit of highly-qualified and managerial employees


In order to obtain a Belgian work permit for individuals in the capacity of highly qualified or managerial employees, a specific minimum salary has to be observed, as provided under Belgian immigration law. This minimum salary is indexed every year.

Our office was informed by the immigration authorities of the Brussels Region about the indexation of minimum salaries applicable as from January 2016.
As from 1 January 2016, the indexed amounts of wages are as follows:

  • Highly-qualified employee : EUR 39,824 gross per year
  • Managerial employee: EUR 66,441 gross per year

For individuals already in possession of a work permit, this might result in an increase in their gross annual salary.
For individuals who will start their employment in 2016, the employment agreement should already state the increased amount.

The new amounts are not yet confirmed by the immigration authorities of the Flemish and Walloon Regions but it is expected they will apply the same new amounts.
