New solidarity tax on security accounts?


Although the text is still in an early draft phase and still needs to be approved by the council of ministers, it was made public in the press that the idea of the new security tax seems to be a tax on the ownership of security accounts. The text of the pre-proposal is not yet public hence further details are not yet available.

Based on the public available information it seems that the tax will be a solidarity charge on the ownership of security accounts and will target both individual owners as companies owning security accounts. Also security accounts owned via constructions held outside of Belgium which fall in the scope of the Cayman tax seem to be included. As to the scope of the product subject to this tax, this will be broadened and only registered shares seem to be excluded. With respect to the tax itself, the previous rate of 0,15% seems to be withheld but the threshold per account – new feature in this law – will be uplifted to 1mio Euro.

More information will follow as soon as more details are made public.
