OECD publishes long-awaited public discussion draft on the transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions
On 3 May 2018, the OECD published a long-awaited public discussion draft on the transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions. With this publication, the OECD has reached another important milestone in the BEPS saga. As all groups have such transactions, the importance of the discussion draft cannot be underestimated. The discussion draft has been developed
Danish National Tax Tribunal publishes its first decision regarding a cash pool arrangement
In early 2014,the National Tax Tribunal (Landsskatteretten) published its first transfer pricing decision regarding a cash pool arrangement. The decision concerns the determination of intercompany interest rates on deposits and borrowings in the cash pool. The National Tax Tribunal ruled that the Danish tax authorities were allowed to disregard the transfer pricing applied by the
Parliamentary question regarding the application of Belgian thin cap rules for cash pooling activities
The Minister of Finance answered a Parliamentary question on how the Belgian thin cap rules should be applied in practice to cash pooling activities. The Minister was asked a.o. how a daily assessment of the 5:1 debt-equity ratio links in with the netting of interest paid and received for cash pooling companies (for more information