OECD recommendations on BEPS 2014 deliverables: Few surprises, but no let-up
As indicated in a newspost earlier this week, the BEPS deliverables for the September 2014 deadline have been published on 16 September 2014 and are available on the OECD website. Please find herewith a link to a summary PwC Bulletin in this respect, highlighting the key take-aways of the reports.
OECD releases BEPS reports following September deadline
The OECD is keeping its word in preparing and delivering on the objectives as they have been set in the BEPS Action Plan. The deliverables for the September 2014 deadline have just been published and are available on the OECD website (link below). The OECD has published 7 reports (Digital Economy, Hybrid Mismatches, Harmful Tax, Treaty Abuse, Intangibles