Draft law implementing the zero-emission company car as the new standard
As indicated in our newsflashes of 21 April 2021 and of 18 May 2021, it was agreed in the government declaration to adapt the tax and social legislation around mobility to stimulate the green agenda. On 14 September the draft law specifying the fiscal and social treatment of company cars was submitted to The Chamber.
The zero-emission company car as the new standard
As mentioned in our newsflash of 21 April 2021, the text of the government declaration indicated that it was the intention to modify the tax treatment of company cars by 2026 and move to zero emission vehicles. On 18 May, the Belgian federal government reached an agreement on the tax treatment of (eco-friendly) company cars.
Company cars completely electric by 2026?
The text of the government declaration already indicated that it was the intention to modify the tax treatment of company cars by 2026 and move to zero emission vehicles. To make this ambition a reality, the Belgian Minister of Finance, Vincent Van Peteghem, has now announced to make work of this initiative. The Minister stated