PwC Incentives Hub: latest news on EU funding


After several years of negotiations, the end of this spring will see the official launch and/or opening of several funding programmes.  

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe, the ninth framework programme for R, D & I, Horizon Europe and by far the most ambitious, with a total budget of € 95,5bn (2021-2027), is eventually becoming a reality. It aims at shaping the future of Europe, building the post-pandemic recovery, and contributing to the climate-neutrality objectives of Europe, with 35% of the total budget to be spent on R&D underpinning the EU’s climate changes objectives. After the recent launch of the European Innovation Council (EIC), European Research Council (ERC) and special COVID-19 calls for projects, the first calls of the second pillar of Horizon Europe are expected to open for submission by the end of May. This second pillar will support collaborative projects tackling global challenges and strengthening European industrial competitiveness in sectors such as health, energy, environment, process and manufacturing or agrifood. 

Digital Europe

Digital Europe, this brand new European instrument will focus on bringing digital technology to businesses and citizens and amounting to € 7,5bn (2021-2027). The programme will support projects in five crucial areas: supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, advanced digital skills and ensuing the wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society.  The programme will be officially launched on June 2 during the “Leading the Digital Decade” event. 

Life programme 2021-2021

The Life programme is also expected to kick off in June. The programme aims at supporting individual or collaborative projects to develop and/or demonstrate eco-innovative techniques and approaches. It is splitted in four sub-programmes: Nature & biodiversity, Circular economy & quality of life, Climate mitigation & adaptation and Clean energy transition. To officially launch the programme and present the features of this new programming period, specific Info Days will be organised from June 22 to 25.

In this context, PwC offers a full-package service to support organisations to secure such European funding for their activities by combining the skills of funding specialists, economic and legal experts as well as industry expertise.

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