Horizon Europe: Time has come!


After a long wait, the first main calls of Horizon Europe are finally open!

If you’re part  of innovation projects led by strategic partnerships and are looking for funding, this programme is made for you.

Nonetheless, finding your way through the various calls for projects in Horizon Europe, applying and managing such projects is complex.

PwC has developed the Government Incentives Scanner, a web-based platform which brings together in one place all available incentives at European level.

In a user-friendly way, you can:

  • scan available Horizon Europe calls for programmes in specific areas of interest,
  • keep track of your applications and
  • easily collaborate with your partners to set-up the proposal and manage the project.

This tool is indispensable for any company looking for swift funding.

To celebrate the opening of Horizon Europe, the screening of the EU calls for projects will be available for free until the end of this month.

Check out the tool and try it out! https://incentivesscanner.pwc.be/landing

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