PwC Webcast on US international tax reform proposals


House Ways and Means Chairman Camp’s international tax reform proposals

House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) has unveiled draft legislation that, according to a Ways and Means press release, would “fix America’s broken tax code.”
Chairman Dave Camp’s plan proposes lowering corporate and individual tax rates, and also would move the United States from a worldwide system of taxing the foreign earnings of US businesses to a territorial tax system. The release of a draft tax reform plan by Chairman Camp represents a step forward down the path towards reducing corporate and individual tax rates, reforming US international tax rules, and simplifying the tax code.

Join specialists from PwC to gain a better understanding of the discussion draft’s main proposals and how they might impact your company.

Date: March 10, 2014Time: 1:00 pm to 2:40 pm ET

Duration: 100 minutes (including Q&A)

Registration: click here to register

Special guest commentator:

  • Ray Beeman, Tax Counsel and Special Advisor for Tax Reform, U.S. House of Representatives
  • Rohit Kumar, Principal, co-leader of Washington National Tax Services (WNTS) Tax Policy Services
  • Alan Fischl, Principal, PwC WNTS International Tax Services
  • Chip Harter, Principal, PwC WNTS International Tax Services

Register today

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Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with a link and access instructions for joining the webcast.

Benefits from your participation

  • Receive an overview of the tax reform landscape
  • Hear from a senior government official and PwC specialists about the significant provisions
  • Learn how these provisions might impact multinational companies
  • Earn up to two CPE credits

Who should attend?

Multinational companies headquartered in the United States or abroad.

CPE details:

This webcast will be delivered in a group live – internet based format. This webcast will qualify for up to two CPE credits in Taxes. Participants will need to log on from their individual computers to receive CPE credit(s). There is no charge to participate in this webcast; no prerequisites or advanced preparation are required.

Presentation slides / playback

A recording of the webcast and the presentation slides will be available for playback and download after the live event, please check our website again.

