Additional extension for the filing of corporate tax returns: 16 November 2020


In the newsflash of July 2020, we informed you that the Minister of Finance decided to extend the initial filing due date for filing the corporate income tax returns of assessment year 2020 to 29 October 2020. All Belgian companies (and foreign entities having a Belgian establishment) could benefit from this extension. It has now been confirmed that this due date has been (further) extended to 16 November 2020.

This new due date applies to all Belgian entities (filing a corporate income tax return or non resident income tax return companies or legal entities return) with an initial due date till 16 November 2020 and does also apply for the local form which is an integral part of the corporate income tax return (although both forms should be filed separately).

Any further questions? Don’t hesitate to contact your regular PwC contact.
