News articles written by Claire De Lepeleire

VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA): no EU approval yet

15 May 2024

What happened? On 14 May 2024, after extensive consultation and negotiation, the EU Finance Ministers at ECOFIN debated the revised VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) package released by the European Commission (EC) on 8 May 2024. During the ECOFIN debate, one Member State raised a concern in relation to the platform rules and this

VAT in the Digital Age proposals

15 December 2022

In response to the ever-increasing digitisation of the economy, on 8 December 2022 the European Commission published its long-awaited proposals to revamp the EU’s VAT system. The proposals have three main objectives: Modernising VAT reporting obligations, by introducing Digital Reporting Requirements, which will standardise the information that needs to be submitted by taxable persons on

Brexit update – New UK Prime Minister

24 July 2019

13 weeks until Brexit The dispute about the leadership of the Conservative Party has come to an end – Mr Johnson is the next Prime Minister of the UK. Within minutes after the announcement, EU Chief Brexit negotiator Mr Barnier stated that he is looking forward to constructively work with the new Prime Minister but

EU Commission launches Proposal for Definitive VAT system

4 October 2017

As part of the VAT action plan as launched on 7 April 2016, the EU Commission announced a legislative Proposal for the Definitive VAT system for Cross Border EU Trade. Said proposal was published today (hereafter referred to as the Proposal)  and introduces the cornerstones of the Definitive VAT system for Cross Border B2B EU trade. A forthcoming proposal