Brexit update – New UK Prime Minister


13 weeks until Brexit

The dispute about the leadership of the Conservative Party has come to an end – Mr Johnson is the next Prime Minister of the UK.

Within minutes after the announcement, EU Chief Brexit negotiator Mr Barnier stated that he is looking forward to constructively work with the new Prime Minister but only to facilitate the ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Taking into account that Mr Johnson made it clear during his campaign that a tougher stance should be taken towards the EU with a “do or die” approach to a Brexit and hence to the Withdrawal Agreement, the first signs of very difficult negotiations are there.

Considering the above, a no-deal Brexit is all but off the table and is in all likelihood actually more probable than ever.

In anticipation of a potential no-deal Brexit, your business should at least have a view on its potential impact. This is where our multidisciplinary Brexit team can bring value. We developed a unique Brexit impact assessment tool that, combined with our proven hands-on approach, provides a view on the magnitude of the financial impact of a no-deal scenario.

Such an assessment is made on the basis of readily available information requiring almost no management time from the client.

Happy to further discuss this, or check out our website.
