News articles written by Evi Geerts

Belgian draft law amending the investment deduction and innovation income deduction regime

2 April 2024

On 29 February 2024, a draft law was submitted covering (amongst others) the investment deduction regime.  The proposed changes to the investment deduction included in the preliminary draft law have largely been retained in the draft law submitted by the Belgian government to parliament (see also our newsflash of 14 November 2023). The following items

Belgium and The Netherlands agree on employees working from their home location

13 December 2023

On November 23, 2023, the Competent Authorities (CA) of Belgium and The Netherlands signed an agreement* clarifying when a permanent establishment (PE) exists for the employer in the other country if employees are working from their home location in that other country. This agreement provides welcome additional guidance on the cases in which an employee

Expected change in Belgian CFC regime

30 November 2023

A draft law was introduced into parliament to change the Belgian CFC regime, which was introduced as part of the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (hereafter “ATAD directive”) in 2017. The CFC regime Belgium introduced back in 2017 taxed non-distributed income arising from non-genuine arrangements which have been put in place for the essential purpose of