News articles written by Evi Geerts

Mid-summer tax update

8 August 2023

As we reach mid-summer, it’s time to do a short wrap-up of some of the recent tax developments to keep you up to date in this ever-changing tax landscape. In this update we will cover the following topics: Council of Ministers accept the Belgian implementation of the Public CbCR Directive Belgian Parliament considers bill to

PwC’s Pillar Two Country Tracker

21 April 2023

PwC has recently launched the Pillar Two Country Tracker, a tool designed to track the status of the implementation of Pillar Two around the globe. Specifically, Pillar Two focuses on the introduction of a global minimum Effective Tax Rate (ETR) applicable to multinational groups with consolidated revenue of over €750 million. Such groups will be

PwC’s Tax Bites podcast: OECD issues Administrative Guidance on Pillar 2

3 February 2023

In this episode, we discuss our first impressions of the 111-page Administrative Guidance on Pillar 2 published by the OECD on Thursday, 2 February 2023. A wide range of issues related to the GloBE Rules and Commentary were addressed in the guidance, and our experts also welcomed the additional clarification and examples, including those on

Formal adoption of the EU Directive on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation

16 December 2022

What has happened? The EU Member States have reached an agreement to implement Pillar 2 to ensure a global minimum taxation for large groups.  Political support is confirmed now that Pillar 2 has been enshrined legislatively in an EU Directive which was adopted unanimously by all EU Member States.  The Directive should be implemented into

Hungary lifts veto on Pillar 2 – Council reaches unanimity

13 December 2022

  Last night the EU Council  reached an agreement to implement Pillar 2 (press release) after Hungary dropped its veto on the matter. The next step is to start the written procedure and to publish the Pillar 2 Directive in the Official Journal of the EU. The envisaged timeline to implement Pillar 2 into domestic

Belgian government agrees on federal budget: an overview of what you should know

12 October 2022

After intense negotiations, the Belgian government reached an agreement on the Belgian federal budget. Addressing the ongoing energy crisis, limiting the budgetary deficit and stimulating employment are some of the key topics that have shaped the agreement.  It also contains several important tax measures an overview below:    Temporary Belgian minimum tax: as a result of