News articles written by Tim Pieters

Fee forms 281.50: the filing deadline of 29 June is approaching!

17 April 2020

Over the past few weeks, the Belgian government has taken many measures to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Even though many filing and payment delays have been announced, no communication has (currently) been made as regards the filing due date of the fee forms 281.50.  Consequently, as per today, fee forms 281.50 are

Update: Increased credit percentages for advance tax payments

6 April 2020

In our newsflash dated 10 March 2020, we have highlighted the main aspects of the Belgian advance tax payment scheme. Considering the current COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the Belgian economy, it has been decided that the tax credit related to the advance tax payments to be made for the third and fourth quarters

COVID-19 update: Circular letter on exemption conditions for write-downs on trade receivables

24 March 2020

Aware of the significant impact of the pandemic on the economy, the Belgian tax authorities have very recently published an updated circular letter on the exemption conditions for write-downs on trade receivables (Circular 2020/C/45 dated 23 March 2020). In this circular letter, the tax authorities acknowledge the spread of the Covid-19 virus and the drastic

Advance tax payments and recently announced measures from the Belgian government

10 March 2020

Unless a company pays its Belgian corporate income taxes due by means of timely advance tax payments during the financial year concerned, a surcharge is due on the final amount of Belgian corporate income tax due upon assessment. If advance tax payments are made, credits – which can be offset against the surcharge – are

Extension of the due date: 26 September 2019 becomes 10 October 2019!

18 September 2019

In the newsflash of 2 September 2019, we informed you that the Belgian companies (and foreign entities having a Belgian establishment) with a financial year that ended between 31 December 2018 and 31 March 2019 (both dates included) should, in principle, file their tax return by 26 September 2019. It has now been confirmed that this

The due date for filing both the Belgian (non-resident) corporate income tax return and the local form ‘275 LF’ for assessment year 2019 is approaching: are you in control?

2 September 2019

Both the Belgian (non-resident) corporate income tax return and the transfer pricing local form ‘275 LF’ are due soon. Below is an overview of the filing requirements. Corporate income tax return Belgian companies (and non-resident entities) have the yearly obligation to file a Belgian (non-resident) corporate income tax return by the statutory deadline. Filing a complete,