Belgium’s corporate tax reform becomes reality


Today the Federal government has published a press release regarding the agreement on the concrete implementation of the important corporate tax reform announced earlier in July 2017. The Act has been sent to the Council of State for advice and is expected to be voted by Parliament in the course of December 2017.

The great achievement of this tax reform is the decrease in the corporate tax rate of 33% to 29% in 2018 and 25% as from 2020. Also the introduction of tax consolidation as from 2020 is a welcome initiative.

The Corporate Tax Reform Act also implements the ATAD I and II Directives into Belgian legislation.

On the other hand, this reform contains some budgetary measures aimed at financing the rate reduction, e.g. introducing a so-called minimum tax and changing the notional interest deduction system.

But finally the Belgian government also took the decision to make the Belgian holding system more attractive and to introduce a 100% dividend exemption.

For more details regarding this tax reform, we refer to our tax reform website.

For any specific questions you can contact your local PwC contact, Patrick Boone or Philippe Vanclooster.
