Brexit Update – Mrs May resigns


One step closer to a no-deal Brexit?

After three failed attempts to convince the members of parliament (MP’s) to support her EU withdrawal agreement, Mrs May has announced today that she will step down as prime minister of the UK.

Only this Tuesday, Mrs May gave a speech in which she unveiled a 10-point plan that would, according to her, deliver on the result of the referendum of 2016. She tried for a last time to convince the MP’s to support her EU withdrawal agreement by offering a vote on whether to hold a second referendum, once the bill was passed … but her plan failed once more.

Mrs May announced that she will resign as Conservative party leader on June 7th but will remain at the office until her successor has been appointed.

Although a majority of MP’s have repeatedly voted against a no deal, some of the candidates to replace Mrs May, such as Mr Raab clearly prefer to leave the EU without a deal to leaving with the current withdrawal agreement, which according to the EU is not open for revision. In other words the resignation of Mrs May may increase the chances of a no deal Brexit.

As a risk management strategy in anticipation of a no deal Brexit, your business should at least have a view on the potential impact of such a no deal scenario.  This is where our multidisciplinary Brexit team can bring significant value.  We developed a unique Brexit impact assessment tool which provides – combined with our proven hands-on Brexit approach – a view on the magnitude of the financial impact of a no deal scenario based on readily available information, with almost no need for investment of the client’s management time.

Happy to further discuss this or check out our website.
