Brexit Update – No Brexit deal Vote: MP’s force PM Johnson to seek further extension


The UK Parliament was set to vote on PM Johnson’s exit deal today in its extraordinary Saturday sitting. 

The Letwin amendment (voted by 322 to 306) however prevented the vote on the Brexit deal. The amendment as introduced by Mr Oliver Letwin says the House of Commons would “withhold support” from Johnson’s plan until all of the legislation required to implement the bill is passed by Parliament. 

Taking into account that no agreement was  reached, PM Johnson is now forced to ask the EU for ‘another’ Brexit extension running to 31 January 2020 and which has to be agreed to by all the EU Member States. If the EU refuses a further extension, there will in principle be a no-deal Brexit on 31 October 2019. If the EU agrees – various scenarios ranging from a Brexit deal, general elections over another referendum to cancellation of the Brexit – are still open. 

PM Johnson already declared that he will not negotiate a new extension and that his government will next week put forward the legislation to leave the EU. 


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