OECD releases public discussion draft on the multilateral instrument to implement the tax treaty related BEPS measures and asks the public for input

Corporate income tax

1 June 2016

OECD releases public discussion draft on the multilateral instrument to implement the tax treaty related BEPS measures and asks the public for input

On 31 May 2016, the OECD released its public discussion draft on Action 15 (Development of a Multilateral Instrument to Implement the Tax Treaty related BEPS Measures) of the BEPS Action Plan. Action 15 of the OECD’s BEPS Action Plan called for the development of a multilateral instrument in order to allow countries to swiftly amend their

20 April 2016

The Belgian Supreme Court ruled that income derived from a received abnormal or gratuitous benefit constitutes a minimum tax base

If an intra-group transaction is considered as “abnormal or gratuitous” – i.e. not being arm’s length –, Belgian tax law prescribes a transfer pricing adjustment. An abnormal or gratuitous benefit received by a Belgian company from an affiliated enterprise cannot be offset against tax losses and other deductible items available to the Belgian company, such