New Bank Tax: Filing and Payment Deadline set to 30 November 2016

Financial Services Tax & Regulatory

9 November 2016

The Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority adds crowdfunding to its communication on public offers that are exempted from the prospectus obligation

On 27 October 2016, the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) released its amended communication on public offers that are exempted from the obligation to publish a prospectus. Providers who wish to publicly offer a crowdfunding type of investment can also benefit from the statutory prospectus exemption. Statutory prospectus exemption for crowdfunding The applicable

16 September 2016

Royal Decree of 10 July 2016: a new start for alternative investment funds investing in non-listed companies and growth businesses?

On 4 August 2016, the Royal Decree on alternative investment funds investing in non-listed companies and growth businesses was published in the Belgian State Gazette. Its main objective is a new start for investment companies with fixed capital investing in non-listed companies and growth businesses (Public Privaks) (“Publieke Privak”/“Pricaf Publique”). The objective The Royal Decree

14 September 2016

Packaged retail investment products: European Parliament returns draft law to Commission

Earlier this week, the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Committee (ECON) had already unanimously rejected the European Commission’s investor protection proposals for consumers who buy packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs). The draft legislation consisted of regulatory technical standards (RTS) that accompany the PRIIPs Regulation[1] and were developed by the Commission to provide greater

13 September 2016

PRIIPS: Investor protection proposals have been unanimously rejected by ECON

On 1 September 2016, the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Committee (ECON) unanimously rejected the European Commission’s investor protection proposals. The Commission’s proposal The European Commission had set out regulatory technical standards (RTS) to provide greater protection to consumers who are interested in investing in packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs). The RTS are