Parliamentary Committee approves corona tax measures

Personal income tax

7 May 2020

COVID-19 and cross-border employment: Belgium reaches agreement on “force majeure” tolerance for cross-border workers with the Netherlands

International travel restrictions and COVID-19 lock down measures, imposed by governments during the coronacrisis in order to “flatten the curve”, are pushing cross-border workers into a continuous home working scenario for many weeks now. Working days abroad are no longer an option. As stated by the OECD guidance, exceptional circumstances call for an exceptional level

6 May 2020

Executive pay landscape: Implementation of the Revised Shareholders’ Rights Directive (SRD II) into Belgian law for Belgian quoted companies

On May 6th, the Official Gazette has published the law on implementing the  SRD II – Directive (EU) 2017/828. Part of the Directive will be implemented by changing the newly introduced Belgian Code on Companies and Associations (BCCA). The aim of SRD II is to positively influence the involvement of long-term shareholders and increase transparency

30 April 2020

COVID-19 and cross-border employment: is Belgium heading for a “force majeure” approach with its neighbouring countries?

In our newsflash of 15 April 2020, we were pleased to inform you that the Netherlands and Germany came to a mutual agreement regarding a “force majeure” tolerance for cross-border employment situations that are impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Dutch-German agreement certainly embodies the recent OECD recommendations of 3 April 2020 (see our

15 April 2020

COVID-19: the Netherlands and Germany reach agreement on “force majeure” tolerance for cross-border employment

The Netherlands and Germany came to the agreement that the coronavirus (‘COVID-19’) pandemic is a “situation of force majeure” and that the measures taken in response to the pandemic can lead to substantial uncertainty with respect to the tax position of cross-border workers. In this context, both countries have reached a mutual agreement (effective as from 11