Corona Premium of EUR 1.000 down the drain?


A couple of weeks ago, in full corona crisis, there was some media coverage regarding the introduction of tax-free corona premiums.

In our newsflash of 1 April 2020, we mentioned the proposal of the Belgian Minister of Finance of a Corona premium of EUR 1.000. Employers would be able to pay this premium free of tax and social security contributions to their employees.

The idea was to motivate and reward employees who (are not staying at home due to temporary unemployment measures and who) are still allowed and prepared to come to work.

Awaiting for the implementation and further details on the ‘how’ and ‘when’ of such a premium, it became dead calm in relation to this highly anticipated topic. Based on recent press coverage, it now seems that the proposal is no longer on the table, as priorities are being put on relaunching the Belgian economy and employment in the upcoming weeks.

Consequently, such a corona premium will most likely not be implemented. The same conclusion seems valid for the anticipated COVID-19-bonus of EUR 1.450 which was on the table for doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare workers in hospitals.

In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sandrine Schaumont or Philip Maertens.
