Countdown Alert! The 1st CBAM Report deadline is less than 20 days away


Take a moment to assess your organisation’s reporting readiness!

– Ensure which (all) of your entities need to report before the deadline.

– Verify that you have access to the EU CBAM Reporting (CBAM Transitional Registry) for all of your reporting entities and the person(s) responsible.

– Manage a base-level data for reporting so you can meet the obligation to submit your report before the deadline (recall: 1st and 2nd reports due by 31 January 2024 and 30 April 2024  may be subsequently corrected until 31 July 2024)

– Make use of EU’s default values to report the embedded emissions (recall: for the first 3 reports, until 31 July 2024, for each import of goods for which the reporting declarants do not have all the information, they can use default values made available and published by the Commission)

In just a few days, appreciable progress is achievable, given you take the right actions and have in-house expertise or reach out to specialists for guidance.

If you have quick questions or are still encountering challenges in your reporting strategy and process, reach out to PwC Belgium—we’re here to help!
