Investment deduction percentages for assessment year 2015 published


On 26 March 2014, the new percentages for investment deduction, applicable to assessment year 2015 (income year 2014), were published in the Belgian Official Gazette.

Generally speaking, to the extent specific legal conditions are met, Belgian companies or Belgian branches of foreign companies can deduct above the normal amortisation rules an extra percentage of the acquisition value of certain investments made during a certain income year from the taxable results of that income year.

The percentages of the R&D investment  deduction for assessment year 2015 can be summarised as follows:

One-shot investment deduction

Private individuals:

  • 13.5% for investments in patents and assets that aim to promote R&D of new products and advanced technologies that are environment friendly;
  • 20.5% for investments in security; and
  • 3.5% for other investments.

All companies

  • 13.5% for investments in patents and assets that aim to promote R&D of new products and advanced technologies that are environment friendly; and
  • 3% for investments encouraging the reuse of packaging materials for beverages and industrial products.

Small companies

  • 20.5% for investments in safety; and
  • 4% for other investments.

Companies receiving only income from shipping

  • 30% for investments in ships.


Spread investment deduction

Private individuals:

  • 10.5% for qualifying private individuals that opt for spread taxation (according to the duration of the depreciation period).

Spread investment deductions for investments in assets that aim to promote R&D of new products and advanced technologies that are environment friendly:

  • 20.5% (qualifying private individuals and companies).

