Last steps in the Belgian corporate tax reform taken before the summer recess


Just before the holiday period, the Belgian Chamber adopted the final text of the corporate tax reform that was initiated last year.

As expected, a new Act amends and supplements the Corporate Income Tax Reform Act and the Program Act, both published end of December 2017.

Some of the very last changes introduce new anti-abuse measures to the notional interest deduction regime and the consolidation regime in the context of reorganisations. The new Act further introduces an obligation for the taxpayer to report the existence of a CFC whose profits are taxable in its hands. On a positive note, the Act abolishes the increase from 5% to 10% of separate tax charge arising in the case where no minimum director’s fee is paid.

For a detailed overview of the measures, visit our tax reform website.

Your local PwC contact can help you assess the impact of the tax reform for your organisation or group.
