High net worth individuals on the radar of Vivaldi!
One of the measures announced by the newly formed government (“the Vivaldi coalition”) is the taxation of the major financial transactions (“MFTT”). Although only the main principles of this tax are known at this stage, the purpose would be to tax high net worth individuals. The impact of the tax is estimated between 150 to
Belgian Tax on Stock Exchange Transactions: FAQ published
The Belgian tax administration has just published a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the webpage dedicated to the Belgian Tax on Stock Exchange Transactions (French / Dutch). This publication is quite important as it not only covers issues connected to the recent extension of the scope of the tax but also clarifies some ‘pre-existing’
EU FTT – another statement of intent by EU Finance Ministers
Two weeks ago, in our Newsflash dated 22 January 2015, we discussed the latest developments in respect of the EU FTT since the turn of the year. Following the lack of consensus between the 11 participating Member States (“PMS’) at the end of last year, it was therefore noteworthy that President Hollande of France stated
EU FTT: back from the dead?
EU Financial Transaction Tax (“FTT”) finally implemented? During the last two months of 2014, a number of meetings were held both between the EU-11 and between the EU-11 and other EU Member States, with the aim of reaching consensus on the EU FTT. Despite the commitment of the Italian EU Council Presidency to the EU