Income tax thresholds for gifts to employees have been increased
In our newsletter of 27 November, we recalled the possibility to present employees with year-end gifts, free from social security contributions and income taxes. We mentioned that, although the maximum amount of those gifts for social security purposes was increased in July, the income tax amount was not yet adjusted accordingly. However, on 5 December,
Winter is coming – holiday gifts to employees
Old Man Winter is knocking at the door and the first Christmas trees are beginning to pop up, marking the perfect occasion to recall the possibility to present employees with year-end holiday gifts – free from social security contributions and income taxes. General principles According to the Belgian social security legislation, gifts in kind, cash
End of year is approaching: rules of the game for gift vouchers
One option to reward employees in a tax-friendly manner at the end of this year is to provide them with a gift, i.e. gifts in kind or in cash, or vouchers for books, sporting and cultural events, movies, etc. As a general rule, gifts are in principle considered as remuneration and thus subject to social