German- Belgian Colloquium on global tax reform: a status update on the OECD Two Pillar Approach
On May 23rd, 2022 the Belgian and German tax authorities organized a colloquium on the two-pillar approach. The colloquium was held in Brussels and was hosted by Mr Hans D’Hondt, Chairman of the Management Committee of the Belgian Federal Public Service Finance. The colloquium was opened by Mr D’Hondt and Mr Martin Kotthaus, Ambassador of
OECD Secretariat seeks input on global minimum tax design
On 8 November, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretariat published a Public consultation document: the Global Anti-Base Erosion Proposal (‘GloBE’) (Pillar II) which seeks stakeholders’ views on the introduction of common global minimum tax rules across the more than 130 countries participating in the OECD Inclusive Framework. Such rules would operate through top-up taxes