Home working expense allowance – update
On 1 July 2021 an addendum (Circular 2021/C/62) was issued to the Circular 2021/C/20 of 26 February 2021 on employer contributions for home office work. The Circular 2021/C/20 of 26 February 2021 discusses the tax system for employer contributions for home office work. According to this Circular, employers may grant employees who structurally and regularly
Requests COVID-19: homeworking expense allowance
Following the recently published Circular Letter concerning homeworking expense allowance, the Belgian Ruling Office has published a statement on the 19th of August 2020 in this respect. As stated in our newsflash of 17th of July 2020, employers can grant a lump sum allowance for home office expenses to their employees equal to EUR 129,48
Update – Fast Track Ruling – Homeworking (Expense Allowance)
We refer to our newsflash of 19 March on the implementation of the Fast Track Ruling (Fast Track Ruling – Homeworking, Expense Allowance). On 29 May, the Rulings Office (Dienst Voorafgaande Beslissingen in Fiscale Zaken/Services des Décisions anticipées en Matières Fiscales) published on its website a new COVID-19 application model document that has been slightly adjusted
Fast Track Ruling – Homeworking (Expense Allowance)
Employees incur expenses that are inherent in the performance of their duties in their relationship with an employer. Accordingly, due to their nature, such expenses are to be borne by the employer. The employer, i.e. the company, can ask the Ruling Office (Dienst Voorafgaande Beslissingen/Service des Décisions Anticipées) for confirmation that the lump sum allowances