New social security treaty with Turkey
As from 1 September 2018, the new bilateral social security treaty between Belgium and Turkey has entered into force. This new treaty replaces the previous 1966 treaty and updates its provisions to reflect both the changes in the contracting states’ social security legislation and the changed nature of international employment since 1966. Out with the
Binding nature A1 forms and notion of posting: CJEU confirms and clarifies
In a recent judgement, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) again confirmed the binding nature of an A1 form – even when issued retroactively – for both the competent authorities and the courts of the host Member State to which an employee is posted. In addition, the Court clarified that, if a posted
Belgian regulations on disregarding A1 forms incompatible with EU legislation
In its judgement of 11 July, the CJEU ruled that the Belgian social anti-abuse Act, which provides for the possibility to disregard an A1 form in case of abuse of rights, is incompatible with the EU legislation on the coordination of social security schemes. Programme Act of 27 December 2012 In the Programma Act
Revision of the Posting Directive approved
Following the positive vote by the European Parliament in May, the Council of the EU has now approved the revision of the Posting of Workers Directive 96/71/EC (“Posting Directive”) as well. The most significant changes included in this revision are the introduction of the concept of a “long-term posting” for postings exceeding 12 months (with
Fraud can undermine the binding nature of an A1 form
On 6 February, the Court of Justice of the EU presented its highly anticipated judgement in the case n° C-359/16 ‘Altun’. In its judgement, the CJEU ruled that, in case of posting, the courts of the host Member State can disregard an A1 form issued by the competent authorities of the home Member State provided
New legislation on posting of employees adopted by the Belgian Chamber of Representatives
In the Belgian Official Gazette of December 20th, the Act of December 11th, 2016 laying down several provisions with respect to the posting of employees was published. This Act transposes the Enforcement Directive 2014/67/EU (“Enforcement Directive”) of the Posting Directive 96/71/EC (“Posting Directive”) into Belgian law and includes, among other measures, a number of additional