Belgian Tax reform: Individuals – Reduction of tax benefits
In the scope of the agreement reached during the summer, the federal government announced several new tax measures. From a personal tax point of view, one of the changes foreseen is to reduce the tax benefits granted to people for whom the taxable period does not correspond to a full calendar year. In such case,
Belgian tax reform: Personal income tax – profit participation premium
Remark: the following announced measure will have to be formalised in draft legislation which should only be available as from September/October. Only then will full details be known. As already mentioned in the PwC Newsflash of 4 August, the federal government reached an agreement on 26 July 2017 on important tax, economic and social reform
Belgian tax reform: new chapter
On 26 July 2017, the federal government reached a ‘summer agreement’ on an important tax, economic and social reform package. The tax reform is built around three pillars: budget neutrality, simplification and fair taxation. On top of the tax reform, several additional measures will be taken to boost job creation, with corresponding investments in the
Update – New upcoming tax measures – Program Act enacted
In our Newsflash of 7 November 2016 we already made reference to new upcoming tax measures. Certain of these anticipated changes have now been introduced by the Program Act of 25 December 2016, which was published in the Official Gazette on 29 December 2016. From a personal income tax perspective, the above Program Act introduces
Draft Program Act of 26 November 2015 – Tax measures
A draft Program Act has recently been submitted to Belgian Parliament, containing the following tax measures: When a former employee has entered into the system of unemployment with company surcharge, takes up a new employment with another employer (or becomes self-employed), he is in principle still entitled to receive the company surcharge. This surcharge (and additional