End of the “old” special tax regime for expatriates: key changes starting January 2024
As of January 2024, the special tax regime applicable to certain expatriates in Belgium under the administrative tolerance (i.e. Circulaire n°Ci.RH.624/325.294 dd august 08.1983) has come to an end. If you are an expatriate who was in scope of the ‘old’ special tax regime until the end of December 2023, it is crucial to understand
Belgian special tax regime: Royal Decree regarding the content of the form to apply for an extension
Previously, the forms to request the application of the new special tax regime applicable for incoming taxpayers & researchers were already issued. A new Royal Decree of 1 September 2022 (published in the Belgian Monitor on 19 September 2022) provides more information on the content of the form that will have to be used in
New expat regime in Belgium – Royal Decree published on the social security treatment of cost allowances
As indicated in our newsflash of 9 February 2022, the Belgian National Social Security Office aligned its position with the position of the Belgian tax authorities regarding non-taxable allowances granted within the framework of the new special tax regime. This means that the non-taxable allowances are exempt from social security contributions. However, article 19 of
New expat regime in Belgium – Royal Decree published
This week a Royal Decree was published laying down the form and content of the “application form” needed by employers/companies in order to apply for the new regime for inbound taxpayers and inbound researchers. This Royal Decree and the application forms can be found on our dedicated microsite in respectively section ‘Latest Update’ and ‘Procedure’. Our microsite
New expat regime in Belgium – application forms
In our previous newsflash of 25 January 2022, we referred to the introduction of the new expat tax regime (applicable as of 1 January 2022) and to the transitional period that is foreseen (phase out of the old special tax regime and the possibility for opting in for the new regime, under certain conditions). There
Newsflash – Changes to the Belgian expat tax regime – Circular 2022/C/9
Until 31 December 2021, if specific conditions were met, the Belgian special tax regime for executives, researchers and other specialised staff could become applicable to the employment situation of foreign nationals working temporarily in Belgium. This regime was based on the Circular from 8 August 1983. In our previous newsflashes of 15 October 2021, 3
New expat regime in Belgium – VOTED
We refer to our previous newsflash of 22 December 2021 in which we informed you that the draft legislation regarding the changes to the Belgian expat regime was planned to be voted on in the plenary session of the Chamber at the end of December 2021. Hereby, we would like to inform you that the
New expat regime in Belgium – update
We refer to our previous newsflash of 3 December 2021 in which we informed you that the Belgian government formally filed draft legislation in federal parliament regarding among others the changes to the Belgian expat tax regime (on 1 December 2021). In the meantime, the draft legislation has been discussed for the first time in