End of the “old” special tax regime for expatriates: key changes starting January 2024
As of January 2024, the special tax regime applicable to certain expatriates in Belgium under the administrative tolerance (i.e. Circulaire n°Ci.RH.624/325.294 dd august 08.1983) has come to an end. If you are an expatriate who was in scope of the ‘old’ special tax regime until the end of December 2023, it is crucial to understand
Changes to the Belgian ‘expat’ tax regime – extension until 30 september 2022
Since last week, the Belgian Chamber of Representatives is in the process of adopting a draft law aimed at extending the deadline for applications for the new special tax regime for incoming taxpayers and incoming researchers and for “opt-in” requests. As a reminder, new applications had to be submitted electronically by the employer or company
The resident and non-resident corporate income tax return forms for Assessment Year 2020 have been published by the tax authorities
The BizTax e-filing platform would become available by 7 July 2020. It’s no surprise that in total an additional page was required to embed all the necessary entries and related disclosures for new measures entering into force, amongst others: interest limitation rule (“3 MIO/30% EBITDA rule”), group contribution(“Tax consolidation”), Controlled Foreign Corporations (“CFC rules”) and