Third quarter advance tax payment for assessment year 2023


Companies with a year-end closing on 31 December 2022 have the opportunity to make an advance tax payment for the third quarter of the year until 10 October 2022 to avoid or reduce a tax surcharge.

This tax surcharge of 6,75% will be applied on the final amount of the Belgian corporate income tax due upon assessment.

If, however, advance tax payments are made (for example in the third quarter), a credit is granted. The calculation of the credit depends on the timing of the advance tax payments made (i.e., in the first, second, third or fourth quarter). For assessment year 2022, the credits are calculated by multiplying the advance tax payments by 9,00%, 7,50%, 6,00% or 4,50% depending on the timing of the payment.

It is now the time to consider whether your company would benefit from a third quarter advance tax payment (by 10 October 2022) which would give rise to a tax credit of 6,00% to be offset against the surcharge.

Our experts remain available to assist with a computation including or finetuning the fourth quarter financials with a view of making a final advance tax payment by 20 December 2022.
