Ecology Premium Plus (EP+): updated list of eligible technologies


The EP+ is a Flemish funding programme that supports all sizes of Flanders-based companies for ecological investments in some specific technologies, listed on the so-called LTL or limitative technology list. Funding rates typically range from 15% to 45% on the additional cost (compared to a conventional technology) depending on the selected technology and the size of the company.

As of 23 May 2022, the LTL was updated. When compared to the previous list, the following technologies have been added: 

  • Transport
    • Battery electric bus or coach
    • Battery electric truck
    • Converting a diesel truck into a dual fuel (hydrogen-diesel) truck
    • Converting an off-road vehicle to a dual fuel (hydrogen-diesel) off-road vehicle
    • Light goods vehicle (max 3.5 tonnes) powered by a hydrogen fuel cell system
    • Truck powered by hydrogen fuel cell system
  • Water
    • Water purification/water treatment of wastewater or low-grade water by means of the combination of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis or membrane bioreactor and reverse osmosis

The list is of course not only limited to these topics but also includes technologies related to cooling, lighting, heating, etc.

If your company is interested in applying for the EP+ programme, do not hesitate to contact our team of experienced experts in the PwC Incentives Hub. We are ready to support you every step of the way!
