Monthly Incentives newsletter


The funding landscape is continuously evolving, with new calls for proposals opening regularly in different areas. With this newsletter, we provide you a brief overview of the latest funding opportunities and developments at the European and regional level.

Water4All Call

The Joint Transnational Call “Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events and management tools” was launched on September 1st 2022 by the Water4All partnership. The aim is to support research, development and innovation projects focussing on solutions for hydroclimatic extreme events and emerging water management issues. Funding can be obtained through VLAIO, FWO or F.R.S.-FNRS and ranges from € 300 K to € 800 K per project. The application process consists of two steps: pre-proposals are to be submitted by 31 October 2022 and full proposals by 20 March 2023. 

Read more about this call via our dedicated article

New Digital Europe calls

The Digital Europe Programme aims to contribute to the digital transition in the EU with a focus on the deployment of digital technologies, instead of funding research. The third wave of calls opened on the 29th of September 2022 and consists of 14 call topics in three domains: 1) artificial intelligence, data and cloud; 2) advanced digital skills; 3) cybersecurity. Projects can be funded up to 100% of the eligible costs with a maximum grant amount of € 10 M per project. Proposals can be submitted until 24 January 2023. 

Find out more about the third wave of Digital Europe calls via this article.

Flemish Climate Plan requirement for VLAIO funding

The Flemish Energy and Climate plan, implemented by the Flemish government, aims to reduce GHG emissions in non-Emissions Trading Scheme sectors by 40%. A company’s Climate Plan describes how the company will transition towards low-carbon operations in a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, taking into account the objectives of the Flemish Energy and Climate Plan. As of 1 October 2022, a summary of a company’s Climate Plan will be requested by VLAIO as an admissibility criterion for submitting an application for many of its funding programmes. It is mainly aimed at large companies and energy-intensive enterprises. For more details about this new requirement, read our latest article

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