CrossRoads 2023-2029: Encouraging cross-border collaborations


CrossRoads supports and stimulates cross-border collaborations around promising innovations across the Flemish-Dutch border, which contribute to the realisation of social transition priorities: sustainable entrepreneurship, sustainable energy, industry 4.0, and health.

Collaborative Innovation at its best 

CrossRoads is part of the European Interreg Flanders-Netherlands programme. This programme is dedicated to fostering sustainable cross-border collaboration between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) located in Flanders and the southern part of the Netherlands. 

CrossRoads typically provides valuable assistance to businesses through the organisation of matchmaking processes, and by providing grants and guidance with innovative projects. 

New CrossRoads 2023-2029 scheme for companies

With the launch of the first call for proposals on September 1st 2023, a total of € 10 M has been made available to bolster and promote partnerships focusing on promising innovations between at least one Dutch and one Flemish SME. These innovations should aim to create prototypes for innovative processes, products, or services that contribute to one or more of the following key social transition priorities: sustainable entrepreneurship, renewable energy, health, and Industry 4.0.

Per project, up to 50% of the eligible costs can be reimbursed with a maximum of € 250 k. The eligible costs typically covered by the grant are the personnel costs, consumables, and external expenses/subcontractors. 

  • Large company participation

Large companies and knowledge institutions can participate in case they fall under one of the following criteria:

          – They are not the primary recipients of the funded project.

          – They participate as external service providers through a quotation-based arrangement.

          – They participate as an unpaid partner, foregoing any subsidies while still contributing their valuable expertise and resources to the project.

  • Selection criteria

The EFRO innovation projects are typically scored based on their innovative character, their economic impact and societal contributions to the region, the cross-border benefits of the collaboration, the quality of the overall funding application, and ultimately, the competences and experiences of the project partners. The total budget is divided among the selected projects according to the ranking determined by a scoring of the award criteria, until the budget runs out.

Closing remark 

If you want to know more about the CrossRoads project calls and their submission deadlines, please reach out to Tom Wallyn (, Bart Wyns ( and Willem Gruyters ( We are happy to support you every step of the way!
