News articles written by Bart Van den Bussche

How to deal with shareholders’ dissent on say-on-pay?

22 July 2022

Most companies held their annual general meeting for the financial year 2021 by now. At this occasion, shareholders expressed their view on the company’s pay practices through their advisory vote on the remuneration report and, where appropriate, their binding vote on the remuneration policy. What if shareholders acceptance in their policy and/or report voting is

Cross-border working – the end of COVID-19 tax and social security no-impact measures

27 June 2022

PwC and PwC Legal have a preferred relationship. As the clients of PwC and PwC Legal are both confronted with similar challenges in their day-to-day business, experts from PwC and PwC Legal have joined forces in this multidisciplinary newsletter to give their clients a full overview in one publication. The tax and social security measures

Changes to the Belgian ‘expat’ tax regime – extension until 30 september 2022

21 June 2022

Since last week, the Belgian Chamber of Representatives is in the process of adopting a draft law aimed at extending the deadline for applications for the new special tax regime for incoming taxpayers and incoming researchers and for “opt-in” requests. As a reminder, new applications had to be submitted electronically by the employer or company

Tax reform night- and shift labor wage withholding tax incentive

4 April 2022

On March 24, the Belgian parliament voted new legislation introducing a number of changes with respect to the night – and shift labor wage withholding tax incentive (and some changes to the other wage withholding tax incentives). Below we list the most important changes (The amendments will apply to remuneration paid or awarded as from