News articles written by Giovanni Gijsels

Countdown Alert! The 1st CBAM Report deadline is less than 20 days away

12 January 2024

Take a moment to assess your organisation’s reporting readiness! – Ensure which (all) of your entities need to report before the deadline. – Verify that you have access to the EU CBAM Reporting (CBAM Transitional Registry) for all of your reporting entities and the person(s) responsible. – Manage a base-level data for reporting so you

Default Values for the Transitional Period of the EU CBAM published

22 December 2023

Good news! We have an early Christmas present from the Commission. On 22 December 2023, the EU Commission published the long awaited Default Values for the Transitional Period of the EU CBAM between 1 October 2023 and 31 December 2025. Do note that for each import of goods for which the reporting declarant does not

2024 is almost here and so is the deadline for the 1st CBAM Report!

20 December 2023

As most of us are headed towards the festive holiday season, and close 2023 with a winter break, the situation is slightly complex for firms in the EU who are subject to the mandatory CBAM Reporting, starting in 2024. Wrapping up this year’s tasks, taking the usual year-end break, and starting the new year 2024 with

Clarification on CBAM Reporting Requirements

24 October 2023

CBAM (Important Update): Clarification on Reporting Requirements On 20 October 2023, the Federation of Belgian enterprises (VBO/FEB) hosted a CBAM information session with the participation of the European Commission (DG TAXUD) and two Federal Public Services (FOD/SPF), Finances and Public Health.  During the session, PwC raised an important question regarding the definition of the Reporting

CBAM – Implementing act approved and guidance released

23 August 2023

On 17 August 2023, the European Commission adopted the Implementing Regulation for the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The approved Implementing Regulation and accompanying guidance:  Confirms the reporting obligations for the CBAM Transitional Period, which commences on 1 October 2023. Furthermore, it confirms that the CBAM reporting requirements and methodology will provide some flexibility when

Proposal published for a European Union Customs Reform: A new central EU Customs authority with a data-driven vision for a simpler, smarter and safer Customs Union

17 May 2023

Today, 17 May 2023, the European Commission published its long awaited proposals for a complete overhaul of the European Union customs environment. As they write in their press release, it is the most ambitious and comprehensive reform of the EU Customs Union since its establishment in 1968. With these proposals the European Commission would like

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – It’s official!

16 May 2023

Today, the CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. This means that there is no going back and that the regulation will enter into force as of tomorrow, 17 May 2023 and that it shall apply as from 1 October 2023. Read more on CBAM in our