Listed companies and the UBO register: not always an exemption!
In previous news flashes we already informed you about the implementation of the UBO register, the extension of the deadlines and the updates of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). In the updated version of the FAQ published on 19 July 2019 the Belgian authorities stated that listed companies are exempted from registering their UBO’s if they are subject
Frequently Asked Questions on Belgian UBO register: new update
In previous news flashes we already informed you about the implementation of the UBO register, the extension of the first registration deadline and a first update of the frequently asked questions. After a first update on 2 April 2019, the Federal Public Service Finance (FPSF) published a new version of the frequently asked questions (FAQ) on
New Royal Decree published on legal constructions outside EEA falling in the scope of the Cayman Tax
Cayman Tax The so-called ‘Cayman Tax’, introduced as from 1 January 2015, is a taxation regime in the Belgian income tax code that introduces a tax transparency of certain legal constructions that have been set up by Belgian private individual tax residents. The income of certain qualifying entities will be taxed directly in the hands
The UBO-register: time to take action
As already discussed in our previous newsflashes (20 August 2018 & 28 September 2018), a register regarding the Ultimate Beneficial Owners (‘UBO’s’) of legal entities was introduced in Belgium. In principle, the information on the UBO’s needed to be registered by 30 November 2018. However, an extension of the deadline till 31 March 2019 was
New Royal Decree published on legal constructions in EEA falling in the scope of the Cayman Tax
Cayman Tax The so-called ‘Cayman Tax’, introduced as from 1 January 2015, is a taxation regime in the Belgian income tax code that introduces a tax transparency of certain legal constructions that have been set up by Belgian private individual tax residents. The income of certain qualifying entities will be taxed directly in the hands
Extension for the first registration deadline for the Belgian UBO register
We have already informed you about the intention of the government to introduce a national register of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO). The Royal Decree on the operating procedures of the UBO register has been published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 14 August 2018. It refers to an entry into force on 31 October 2018
Belgian implementation of the UBO register
As mentioned in our previous newsflash of 19 July 2017, according to the fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (2015/849), adopted by the European Parliament on 20 may 2015, one of the obligations of all EU Member States was to establish a national register of ultimate beneficial owners (UBO) before 26 June 2017. Through the introduction of this