News articles written by Pieter Deré

Expected change in Belgian CFC regime

30 November 2023

A draft law was introduced into parliament to change the Belgian CFC regime, which was introduced as part of the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (hereafter “ATAD directive”) in 2017. The CFC regime Belgium introduced back in 2017 taxed non-distributed income arising from non-genuine arrangements which have been put in place for the essential purpose of

Tax Bites Podcast – Future-proofing your statutory reporting function (Part 4)

13 November 2023

Future-proofing your statutory reporting function: downstream impact on tax technology including Pillar 2 In this episode of our mini-series, the discussion delves into the concept of tax ledgers within ERP systems. Hosted by Pieter Deré, experts Jorgen Broothaers, Oualid Madrane, and Bert Vergote explore the reasons for considering tax ledgers, their benefits, and their relevance in

Navigating DAC 7 in Belgium: Comprehensive FAQ document published by Belgian tax authorities for digital platforms

24 October 2023

Navigating DAC 7 in Belgium: Comprehensive FAQ document published by Belgian tax authorities for digital platforms The Belgian tax authorities have just released a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document aimed at clarifying the requirements and procedures for compliance with the DAC 7 reporting obligation.  DAC 7 In March 2021 the Council of the European

Belgian government agrees on federal budget: what is the impact? 

10 October 2023

On 9 October, the Belgian Federal government reached an agreement on the federal budget. The current budget round was an important one, as the economic climate is deteriorating and this has an impact on the budget of the government. This budget needed to find additional funds. The total effort is 1.7 bln EUR, of which

Tax Bites Podcast – The new BEFIT proposal and International Tax Webinar Trilogue

18 September 2023

The new BEFIT proposal and International Tax Webinar Trilogue On 12 September  the European Commission published its long anticipated BEFIT proposal together with a proposal for a transfer pricing directive. In this podcast we discuss the content of these proposals and reflect on the impact for business. In line with this topic, you can still

Tax Bites Podcast: Amount B is back – what does it mean?

8 September 2023

Amount B is back – what does it mean? In this episode the speakers will give an update on the current status and content of Amount B, what it means for businesses, next steps to consider along with some crystal ball predictions on the likelihood and breadth of the impact. About the speakers: Gilles Franssens