Belgian Incentives newsletter


Even throughout summer, the incentives landscape is not standing still. With this newsletter, we would like to inform you on the latest news that could be of interest to your business. 

Fiscal advantages for charging stations

Companies having invested, or planning to invest in the installation of a publicly accessible and intelligent charging station between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2024, can claim an increased cost deduction. Until 31 March 2023 this deduction is increased to 200%. After this period, the reduction will be limited to 150% due to the long delivery time of charging stations at the moment.

Subsidies for cybersecurity

The Belgian government wishes to support companies wanting to strengthen their cybersecurity in these times of digitalisation. Therefore, in the framework of the Belgian Recovery and Resilience Plan, the FPS Economy launched five dedicated project calls on 27 July 2022 aiming to improve the cyber resilience of small enterprises (< 50 FTEs) active in non-technology-oriented sectors. Each project call aims at a certain goal concerning measures, training or professional support in the field of cyber security. The support ranges from € 50k to € 750k depending on the size of the project

Significant changes to the SME portfolio

Flemish SMEs can obtain a subsidy for external training or advice. Small enterprises can obtain a 30% subsidy and medium-sized enterprises 20%, both up to a maximum of € 7.500 per year. The Flemish government is now reforming the SME portfolio. By limiting the scope to a broad, but restrictive list of future-oriented themes, the portfolio will be used in a more content-oriented way. The themes are determined on the basis of particular policy priorities. In addition, a quality chamber is being established  to strengthen the quality assessment of subsidised services. The chamber is composed of experts in entrepreneurship and scientists.

New application for EIC Accelerator

EIC Accelerator is a European funding programme supporting companies working on market-oriented innovations with high growth potential. More specifically, the programme is focussed towards companies that wish to commercialise their innovative and disruptive technologies. In Flanders, Vlaio is responsible for the first pre-selection. The application procedure itself is characterised by three consecutive steps. The first step, being the assessment by VLAIO, can be replaced by using the pilot plug-in scheme that starts in 2023. About 20 Flemish projects can access this simplified procedure. Vlaio carries out the first selection before moving on to the next step. The submission deadline for the first step with VLAIO is 15 September 2022.

G-STIC Climate Action Programme: Export aid for developing countries

The calls of the G-STIC Climate Action Programme support developing countries in taking climate action and achieving specific climate targets. Flemish companies that implement demonstration projects, dissemination projects and capacity building projects in developing countries can obtain subsidies for these projects in case the projects are aimed at adaptation and/or mitigation actions in developing countries and should focus on one or multiple of the following themes: biodiversity, education and research, energy, agriculture, environmental policy, transport or water and sanitation. Support for demonstration projects amounts to 60% of the total project cost with a maximum grant of € 2.5 M. For dissemination and capacity building projects, the support is 85% of the total project cost with a maximum support of € 250k per project.

Belgium Builds Back Circular first call

The FPS for Health, Food chain safety and Environment has launched its first project call on the 15th of June. This project call encourages and supports SMEs in their activities and/or applied research in the context of the transition to a circular economy. The focus herein lies on projects related to eco-design in the sectors of electric bicycles, wind energy, biomimicry and healthcare. The project call is part of the broader National Recovery and Resilience Plan and Nextgenbelgium assisting in the country relaunch for the next generations. Support for projects goes up to € 1 M. The call for proposals closes on 31 October 2022.

If you would like more information on any of these topics, do not hesitate to contact the PwC Incentives Hub or your usual PwC contact. We are happy to help. 
