Belgian tax reform reduces corporate rate to 25% and introduces fiscal consolidation
On 26 July 2017, the federal government reached an agreement on an important tax, economic and social reform package. A significant gradual reduction in the corporate income tax rate to 25% in 2020 and fiscal consolidation are key components of the package. The agreement preserves the notional interest deduction. The tax reform is built around
Belgium decides to reduce corporate tax rate from 34% to 25%
Remark: The following announced measures will have to be formalised in draft legislation which should only be available as from September/October. Only then will full details be known. On 26 July 2017, the Federal government reached an agreement on an important corporate tax reform, significantly reducing the corporate tax rate. More details will follow below.
EU Parliament adopts resolution on public CbCR
In the fight to crack down on corporate tax avoidance, the European Parliament has voted in plenary that multinational companies should disclose tax information in each country they operate. Consequently, multinationals with a worldwide turnover of minimum EUR 750 million should publicly disclose how much tax they pay and where, including taxes paid outside the EU. Large firms
Draft MLI positions of different territories reflect a range of views on BEPS implementation
As a result of a new legal instrument, changes to the allocation of taxing rights and the introduction of new anti-avoidance rules mean that, once ratified, businesses and individuals may no longer qualify for double taxation relief on a range of cross-border transactions and activities. Taxable presences, compliance burdens, and tax liabilities could increase, and
ATAD II Directive formally adopted
On 29 May 2017, the EU’s Council (in the Competitiveness Council configuration) formally adopted the Council Directive amending Directive (EU) 2016/1164 as regards hybrid mismatches with third countries (ATAD II) without further discussion. The amended Directive (ATAD II) has a broader scope than ATAD I as it also covers hybrid mismatches with third countries and
Ruling Office – rulings delayed due to annulation of French-speaking Board members
On 28 April 2017, the Belgian Council of State annulled the nomination of the French-speaking Board members of the Ruling Office, due to a complaint by a previous Board member. As a result of the judgement, the Ruling Office will not be able to take any formal decisions before the Board members have been replaced.
Belgian Council of Ministers approves Multilateral Agreement on Exchange of Financial Account Information
Yesterday, 23 February 2017, the Belgian Council of Ministers approved a draft bill which implements the multilateral competent authority agreement on the automatic exchange of financial account information (“the Agreement”) that was developed by the OECD and the G-20 countries and published in 2014. On 29 October 2014, Belgium had, together with 50 other jurisdictions,
Belgian Council of Ministers approves Multilateral Agreement on Exchange of CbCR
Today, 24 February 2017, the Belgian Council of Ministers has agreed on a preliminary draft of the law approving the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the exchange of Country-by-Country (CbCR) reports. On 27 January 2016, Belgium had signed this Agreement in Paris in the framework of the OECD BEPS (“Base Erosion and Profit Shifting”) Action