One step further in the digitisation of the administrative procedures of the Tax Authorities
Withholding tax returns (notably the tax returns 273 & 273 A) currently have to be submitted through the e-service “Prm-on-web” but this will soon be a thing of the past. Indeed, although WHT returns will still have to be submitted on “Prm-on-web” until Monday 19 October, 2020 (9 a.m.), from that date onwards, a new
High net worth individuals on the radar of Vivaldi!
One of the measures announced by the newly formed government (“the Vivaldi coalition”) is the taxation of the major financial transactions (“MFTT”). Although only the main principles of this tax are known at this stage, the purpose would be to tax high net worth individuals. The impact of the tax is estimated between 150 to
A first glimpse in the tax measures of the Vivaldi government
Belgium lands on relaunch government Today, 7 political parties reached an agreement on the formation of a new Belgian government (the so-called Vivaldi government). While the last edits are being made to the agreement, the broad outline is becoming clear. The agreement mentions the intention for a relance and investment plan of 4.7 bln EUR
Tax loss carry-back system: administrative circular letter published
On 22 September 2020, the Belgian tax authorities issued a circular letter (administrative guideline) in relation to the tax loss “carry-back” system. Previously, a Royal Decree was published on 1 September 2020 which further clarifies the formalities to be fulfilled in order to apply the loss “carry-back” system. In our newsflash of 2 July 2020,
Corporate tax update: Recent circular letter, advance tax payments Q3 opportunity
Considering the exceptional business environment various corporate income tax measures have been taken to sustain the liquidity and solvability position of both resident and non-resident corporate taxpayers. Advance tax payments A recent circular letter of 1 September 2020 confirmed the conditions and increased credit percentages for advance tax payments that can be made in the
Wage withholding tax incentives: COVID-19 measures and extension of 2019 deadline
Various tax support measures were developed to support entrepreneurs and employees during the COVID-19 crisis. This news flash provides an overview of the most recent measures with an impact on the wage withholding taxes, combined with more news on the extension of the deadline for 2019 wage withholding tax corrections. Royal decree published regarding temporary
Requests COVID-19: homeworking expense allowance
Following the recently published Circular Letter concerning homeworking expense allowance, the Belgian Ruling Office has published a statement on the 19th of August 2020 in this respect. As stated in our newsflash of 17th of July 2020, employers can grant a lump sum allowance for home office expenses to their employees equal to EUR 129,48
Circular letter – Temporary exemption for transferring Belgian wage taxes due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Recently, the Belgian tax authorities issued an administrative guideline in relation to the COVID-19 measure which was introduced by the law of July 15, 2020 containing various tax provisions on the partial exemption of transferring Belgian withholding taxes. Employers – who have made use of the temporally unemployment for at least one employee during a