OECD publishes proposal to rewrite international profit allocation rules
The proposal seeks to allocate a greater share of taxing rights to the countries where consumers/users are located – regardless of a business’ physical presence there.
Extension of the due date: 26 September 2019 becomes 10 October 2019!
In the newsflash of 2 September 2019, we informed you that the Belgian companies (and foreign entities having a Belgian establishment) with a financial year that ended between 31 December 2018 and 31 March 2019 (both dates included) should, in principle, file their tax return by 26 September 2019. It has now been confirmed that this
Circular Letter regarding the “grandfathering” provision included in 30% EBITDA rule
On 11 September 2019, the Belgian tax administration published a Circular Letter regarding the grandfathering provision that is included in the recently introduced interest deductibility limitation (i.e. 30% EBITDA rule). The 30% EBITDA rule includes a grandfathering provision for loans that have been issued before 17 June 2016 and that have not been “fundamentally modified”
The due date for filing both the Belgian (non-resident) corporate income tax return and the local form ‘275 LF’ for assessment year 2019 is approaching: are you in control?
Both the Belgian (non-resident) corporate income tax return and the transfer pricing local form ‘275 LF’ are due soon. Below is an overview of the filing requirements. Corporate income tax return Belgian companies (and non-resident entities) have the yearly obligation to file a Belgian (non-resident) corporate income tax return by the statutory deadline. Filing a complete,
Finprof announced postponement for submitting the withholding tax return for 2018 until 27 September 2019
Companies and payroll offices can still make corrections on the withholding tax declarations for 2018 up to 27 September 2019. After this final due date, a formal motivated tax claim will be required to amend the withholding tax returns. Also withholding tax exemptions, such as the R&D exemption, exemption for night and shift labor and
Tax dispute resolution – Belgium obtains positive peer review on its Mutual Agreement Procedure practice
Background Improving dispute resolution mechanisms as regards the application and interpretation of tax treaties is high on the agenda of the OECD and a number of countries. Under BEPS Action 14, there is a broad commitment to implement a minimum standard to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of Mutual Agreement Procedures (“MAP”). One of the
New EU Directive and Regulation facilitating cross-border distribution of investment funds
On 20 June 2019, the European Parliament and the Council introduced a more harmonised framework on cross-border distribution of funds. The aim of the new Directive 2019/1160 and the Regulation 2019/1156 is to reduce regulatory roadblocks or barriers that hinder cross-border distribution of funds within the EU and to enhance fund managers’ ability to fully
New lump-sum amount for reimbursement of business use of private car
Employees using a privately-owned car for business purposes can now be reimbursed a lump-sum amount of EUR 0,3653 per kilometer. Costs that an employee incurs when using a privately-owned car for business purposes can be reimbursed by the employer free of income tax and exempt from social security contributions. Repayment can be made on a